EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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879 lines
* events.c
* Event handling code for Citadel.
#include "ctdl.h"
/* #define EVENT_DEBUG */
* history
* 91Aug16 HAW New comment style.
* 89Jan23 HAW Version 2 of event handling.
* 87Jun13 HAW Created.
* contents
* InitEvents() Initialize event stuff
* eventSort() Sorts events
* setPtrs() Set up pointers
* DoTimeouts() Handles timeouts
* Event facility description
* Not available.
* Variables
/* Internal housekeeping variables */
static int ThisDay, ThisMinute;
static long ThisSecond;
static char warned = FALSE;
static long ThisAbsolute;
/* These are lists of events */
typedef struct
SListBase List;
long NextAbs;
long LastAbs;
int toReturn;
static EventList Types [] =
{ { NULL, NULL, eventSort, NULL, NULL }, -1l, -1l, TRUE },
{ { NULL, NULL, eventSort, NULL, NULL }, -1l, -1l, FALSE },
{ { NULL, NULL, eventSort, NULL, NULL }, -1l, -1l, FALSE }
typedef struct
long finish;
static SListBase AutoDoors =
NULL, ChED, CmpED, free, NULL
static SListBase Redirected =
NULL, ChRed, CmpED, free, NULL
int ClassActive[EVENT_CLASS_COUNT]; /* which classes are active? */
#define NewUserAllowed() (ClassActive[CL_NEWUSERS_ALLOWED])
#define NewUserDisAllowed() (ClassActive[CL_NEWUSERS_DISALLOWED])
static SListBase EventEnds =
NULL, ChkTwoNumbers, CmpTwoLong, free, NULL
* This list helps solve the 'cheating downloader' problem. We keep a list
* of downloaders and the amount of time spent downloading. This list is
* cleared whenever the limit changes; thus, it is only effective during the
* duration of a specific download time limit #event. We reference the list
* every time a user logs in (see LOG.C).
SListBase DL_List =
NULL, ChkTwoNumbers, CmpTwoLong, free, EatTwoNumbers
extern long *DL_Total;
char ResolveDls = TRUE;
char *DlMsgPtr = NULL;
static EVENT *Cur;
/* Externally needed variables */
char ForceNet = FALSE; /* True IFF ^A has been pressed */
long DeadTime; /* Useful to keep this as a local */
long AnyNetLen; /* Same here, tonto */
long Door_Limit;
extern EVENT *EventTab;
extern MessageBuffer msgBuf;
extern CONFIG cfg;
extern char outFlag;
extern char haveCarrier;
extern char onConsole;
extern char whichIO; /* where is the I/O? */
extern char justLostCarrier;
extern char ExitToMsdos;
extern int exitValue;
extern long Dl_Limit; /* Yuck, but necessary */
void SetAbs(EventList *list, long LastAbs);
void ShowTW(TwoNumbers *);
void ExamineEvent(EVENT *);
static char *cl[] =
"network", "extern", "relative", "dl-time", "anytime-net",
"doors-limit", "autodoor", "chat-on", "chat-off", "redirect",
"new-users-allowed", "new-users-disallowed", "until-done"
static char *ty[] =
"preempt", "non-preempt", "quiet"
static char *dy[] =
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"
* InitEvents()
* This function initializes events stuff. This boils down to placing the
* various events into their types (implemented in SListBase structures), which
* automatically sorts them as they are added based on how close they are to
* the time they are supposed to occur.
void InitEvents()
int i;
zero_array(ClassActive); /* all classes off for now */
for (i = 0; i < cfg.EvNumber; i++)
if (EventTab[i].EvClass == CLREL)
EventTab[i].EvMinutes =
(ThisMinute + EventTab[i].EvDur) % 10080;
AddData(&Types[EventTab[i].EvType].List, EventTab + i, NULL, FALSE);
SetAbs(&Types[0], -1l);
SetAbs(&Types[1], -1l);
SetAbs(&Types[2], -1l);
* InitEvTimes()
* This function initializes various time-based global variables for use by
* the event stuff.
void InitEvTimes()
int yr, dy, hr, mn, mon, secs, milli;
long temp;
getRawDate(&yr, &mon, &dy, &hr, &mn, &secs, &milli);
ThisDay = WhatDay();
ThisMinute = (ThisDay * 1440) + (hr * 60) + mn;
temp = (long) ThisMinute;
ThisSecond = (temp * 60l) + secs;
ThisAbsolute = CurAbsolute();
* eventSort()
* This helps sort a list of events (a type implementation) based on how soon
* each event is to occur.
int eventSort(EVENT *s1, EVENT *s2)
if (during(s1) && during(s2)) return (int) (s1->EvMinutes - s2->EvMinutes);
if (during(s1)) return -1;
if (during(s2)) return 1;
if ((passed(s1) && passed(s2)) ||
(!passed(s1) && !passed(s2))) return (int)(s1->EvMinutes - s2->EvMinutes);
return (int) (s2->EvMinutes - s1->EvMinutes);
* during()
* Are we "during" this event? This question is answered by checking to see
* if this event's time period (beginning to beginning+duration) encompasses
* the current time (within the week period). The code is slightly more
* complex than might be otherwise expected due to the rollover point at the
* end of a week (Saturday).
int during(EVENT *x)
int result;
result = FALSE;
if (ThisMinute >= x->EvMinutes && ThisMinute < x->EvMinutes + x->EvDur)
result = TRUE;
if (x->EvMinutes + x->EvDur > 10080
&& ThisMinute < (x->EvMinutes + x->EvDur) % 10080)
result = TRUE;
return result;
* passed()
* This function determines if this event's start time has passed in terms of
* the week.
int passed(EVENT *x)
if ((x->EvDur == 0 && x->EvMinutes <= ThisMinute) ||
(x->EvDur != 0 && x->EvMinutes < ThisMinute)) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* SetAbs()
* This function calculates when the next event is supposed to occur for the
* given type. This is calculated in terms of absolute time, making later
* comparisons much easier to deal with. Since it's possible that this
* function will be called when we're actually already into some event's
* period, we have to take this into account. That should explain the check
* for during() at the end of the function.
void SetAbs(EventList *list, long LowLimit)
long temp, InSeconds;
if ((Cur = (EVENT *) GetFirst(&list->List)) != NULL)
temp = (long) Cur->EvMinutes;
InSeconds = temp * 60l;
if (during(Cur))
list->NextAbs = ThisAbsolute - WeekDiff(ThisSecond, InSeconds);
else if (LowLimit != -1l)
if (ThisAbsolute - WeekDiff(ThisSecond, InSeconds) > LowLimit)
list->NextAbs = ThisAbsolute - WeekDiff(ThisSecond, InSeconds);
list->NextAbs = ThisAbsolute + WeekDiff(InSeconds, ThisSecond);
list->NextAbs = ThisAbsolute + WeekDiff(InSeconds, ThisSecond);
* WeekDiff()
* This function figures out difference in time between events, taking into
* account the week rollover stuff. The difference is returned in seconds.
long WeekDiff(long future, long now)
long diff;
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL,"WeekDiff(future:%ld, now:%ld) =",future, now);
diff = (long)( ( now > future) ? (604800l - now + future ) : ( future - now) );
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
return diff;
* ChkPreempt()
* This function will estimate whether the time to d/l will interfere with
* the next preemptive event. If it does, then the warning string associated
* with this preemptive event is returned. If there is no collision then
* NULL is returned.
char *ChkPreempt(long estimated)
if ((Cur = GetFirst(&Types[0].List)) != NULL)
if (Types[0].NextAbs - CurAbsolute() < estimated)
return (char *)(cfg.codeBuf + Cur->EvWarn);
return NULL; /* No preemptive events to worry about */
* CheckAutoDoor()
* This function checks to see if the given login name has an autodoor that
* should be executed. It returns -1 if no such autodoor exists, otherwise
* it returns the EvExitVal value associated with the autodoor entry. This
* function resides in here rather than the door source because autodoors
* are implemented as #events.
int CheckAutoDoor(char *name)
EvDoorRec rec;
rec.Evt = GetDynamic(sizeof (EVENT)); /* get around possible bug */
strCpy(rec.Evt->vars.EvUserName, name);
if ((Cur = SearchList(&AutoDoors, &rec)) != NULL)
return (int) Cur->EvExitVal;
return ERROR;
* DoTimeouts()
* This is the function responsible for actual checking of timeouts. It
* returns TRUE if you want modIn to break out, too. It should only be called
* from modIn().
char DoTimeouts()
int yr, dy, hr, mn, temp, mon, secs, milli;
static int LastMinute = -1;
extern int PriorityMail;
TwoNumbers *tmp;
EvDoorRec *evtmp;
extern SListBase UntilNetSessions;
getRawDate(&yr, &mon, &dy, &hr, &mn, &secs, &milli);
if (LastMinute != mn || ForceNet )
ScrTimeUpdate(hr, mn);
LastMinute = mn;
BeNice(INUSE_PAUSE); /* check for ARexx input and sleep */
ThisMinute = (WhatDay() * 1440) + (hr * 60) + mn;
ThisAbsolute = (long) ThisMinute;
ThisSecond = ThisAbsolute * 60 + secs;
ThisAbsolute = CurAbsolute();
/* First we deal with events which are deactivating */
if ((tmp = GetFirst(&EventEnds)) != NULL)
if (ThisAbsolute >= tmp->second)
/* event is ending! */
ClassActive[tmp->first] = FALSE;
KillData(&EventEnds, tmp); /* take it off the list */
if (tmp->first == CL_DL_TIME)
if ((evtmp = GetFirst(&AutoDoors)) != NULL)
if (ThisAbsolute >= evtmp->finish)
/* autodoor finish */
KillData(&AutoDoors, evtmp);
if ((evtmp = GetFirst(&Redirected)) != NULL)
if (ThisAbsolute >= evtmp->finish)
/* redirection finish */
KillData(&Redirected, evtmp);
/* Next we deal with preemptive events, which are Type 0 */
/* give a warning at T-5 */
if ((Cur = GetFirst(&Types[0].List)) != NULL &&
!warned && Types[0].NextAbs - ThisAbsolute < 300l && onLine())
temp = Cur->EvMinutes % 1440;
warned = TRUE;
outFlag = OUTOK;
return (char)FALSE;
else if (Cur != NULL && Types[0].NextAbs < ThisAbsolute)
if (onLine())
/* first boot off user, next time do event */
Output_Citadel_Message("EVHAPP",(long)Cur->EvWarn + (long)cfg.codeBuf, NULL, NULL);
if (onConsole)
/* Ugly cheat */
onConsole = FALSE;
whichIO = MODEM;
justLostCarrier = TRUE;
outFlag = OUTOK;
return (char)TRUE;
return (char)FigureEvent(0);
if (!onLine() && (Cur = GetFirst(&Types[1].List)) != NULL &&
Types[1].NextAbs < ThisAbsolute)
return (char)FigureEvent(1);
if ((Cur = GetFirst(&Types[2].List)) != NULL &&
Types[2].NextAbs < ThisAbsolute)
return (char)FigureEvent(2);
/* check priority mail -- odd place for the check, but wotthehell */
if (PriorityMail)
if (!onLine())
netController((hr*60) + mn, 0, PRIORITY_MAIL, ANYTIME_NET, 0);
PriorityMail = 0;
/* handle anytime netting here - is special type of thing */
if (chkTimeSince(NEXT_ANYNET) > DeadTime || ForceNet)
if (ClassActive[CL_ANYTIME_NET])
if (!onLine())
netController((hr * 60) + mn, AnyNetLen,
AnyTimeNets, ANYTIME_NET, 0);
ForceNet = FALSE;
else ForceNet = FALSE;
* now see if we have any other net sessions due to be run. These are
* sessions scheduled by the user from the Net menu. If so, run each of
* them by killing the list (the kill function should run each).
if (!onLine() && GetFirst(&UntilNetSessions) != NULL)
return (char)ExitToMsdos;
* ResolveDLStuff()
* Resolves the DL list when a limit changes. Basically, we clear the list of
* all users, but if someone is currently on, we wish to retain the user's
* record. So, we make a copy of it, clear the list, and then restore the
* user's record to the list. This code and related code elsewhere should
* help minimize the 'cheating user' problem.
void ResolveDLStuff()
TwoNumbers *tmp = NULL;
extern int thisLog; /* entry currently in logBuf */
extern char loggedIn;
if (!ResolveDls)
ResolveDls = TRUE;
if (loggedIn) /* this makes a copy if someone is on */
tmp = MakeTwo(thisLog, *DL_Total);
KillList(&DL_List); /* Now clear the list */
if (tmp != NULL)
/* If someone is on, re-add to the list */
AddData(&DL_List, tmp, NULL, TRUE);
DL_Total = &tmp->second; /* And keep pointing */
* FigureEvent()
* This function handles an event becoming active and takes action.
int FigureEvent(int index)
long ThisAbs, temp, InSeconds, EndIt = -1l, CalcEnd;
EvDoorRec *EvDoor;
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event Type - %d", index);
splitF(NULL," Class:%s Type:%s\n ", cl[Cur->EvClass], ty[Cur->EvType]);
splitF(NULL,"%s - ", dy[Cur->EvMinutes / 1440]);
temp = Cur->EvMinutes % 1440;
splitF(NULL,"%d:%02d %d %lx\n", temp/60, temp%60, Cur->EvDur, Cur->EvExitVal);
temp = (long) Cur->EvMinutes;
InSeconds = temp * 60l;
ThisAbs = ThisAbsolute - WeekDiff(ThisSecond, InSeconds);
CalcEnd = ThisAbs + (Cur->EvDur * 60l);
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event ThisABS: %ld CalcEnd: %ld ThisSec:%ld Insec:%ld\n"
,ThisAbs, CalcEnd, ThisSecond, InSeconds);
switch (Cur->EvClass)
case CLNET:
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event CL_UNTIL_NET/CLNET\n");
netController(Cur->EvMinutes % 1440, Cur->EvDur, Cur->EvExitVal,
warned = FALSE;
case CLREL:
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event CLEXTERN/CLREL\n");
ExitToMsdos = TRUE;
exitValue = (int) Cur->EvExitVal;
return TRUE; /* force it */
case CL_DL_TIME:
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event CL_DL_TIME\n");
EndIt = CalcEnd;
Dl_Limit = Cur->EvExitVal;
DlMsgPtr = cfg.codeBuf + Cur->EvWarn;
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event CL_ANYTIME_NET\n");
EndIt = CalcEnd;
/* gets eligible nets */
AnyTimeNets = Cur->EvExitVal;
DeadTime = Cur->vars.Anytime.EvDeadTime;
AnyNetLen = Cur->vars.Anytime.EvAnyDur;
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event CL_DOOR_TIME\n");
EndIt = CalcEnd;
Door_Limit = Cur->EvExitVal;
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
EvDoor = GetDynamic(sizeof *EvDoor);
EvDoor->Evt = Cur;
EvDoor->finish = CalcEnd;
AddData((Cur->EvClass == CL_AUTODOOR) ? &AutoDoors : &Redirected,
EvDoor, NULL, TRUE);
case CL_CHAT_ON:
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event CL_CHAT_ON/OFF\n");
cfg.BoolFlags.noChat = (Cur->EvClass != CL_CHAT_ON);
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
cfg.BoolFlags.unlogLoginOk = (Cur->EvClass == CL_NEWUSERS_ALLOWED);
EndIt = CalcEnd;
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event CL_NETCACHE\n");
CacheMessages(Cur->EvExitVal, FALSE);
default: /* do nothing */
if( cfg.BoolFlags.debug )
splitF(NULL," Event:Unknown \n");
if (EndIt != -1l)
AddData(&EventEnds, MakeTwo(Cur->EvClass, EndIt), NULL, TRUE);
ClassActive[Cur->EvClass] = TRUE; /* turn it on, baby! */
FrontToEnd(&Types[index].List); /* put event on end of list */
Types[index].LastAbs = ThisAbs;
SetAbs(&Types[index], Types[index].LastAbs);
return Types[index].toReturn;
* ActiveEvents()
* This puts together something vaguely resembling a useful list of currently
* active events.
void ActiveEvents(char *buf)
int i;
sPrintf(lbyte(buf), "\n Active Event,s:\n ");
if (Dl_Limit_On()) sPrintf(lbyte(buf), "D-L time limit of %ld minutes.\n ", Dl_Limit);
if (Door_Limit_On()) sPrintf(lbyte(buf), "Door time limit of %ld minutes.\n ", Door_Limit);
if (GetFirst(&Redirected) != NULL)sPrintf(lbyte(buf), "%d Redirect Files active.\n ", RunList(&Redirected, NoFree));
if (GetFirst(&AutoDoors) != NULL) sPrintf(lbyte(buf), "%d Auto Doors active.\n ", RunList(&AutoDoors, NoFree));
if (NewUserAllowed()) sPrintf(lbyte(buf), "New Users Allowed event active.\n ");
if (NewUserDisAllowed()) sPrintf(lbyte(buf), "New Users Disallowed event active.\n ");
if (ClassActive[CL_ANYTIME_NET])
sPrintf(lbyte(buf), "Anytime net active for net(s) value:%08.8lX - ",AnyTimeNets);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if ((1l << i) & AnyTimeNets) sprintf(lbyte(buf), "%d, ", i + 1);
buf[strLen(buf) - 2] = 0;
strcat(buf, ".\n ");
* ForceAnytime()
* This is an interface function for forcing anytime net.
void ForceAnytime()
if (ClassActive[CL_ANYTIME_NET])
ForceNet = !ForceNet;
* ChkTwoNumbers()
* check for equality of d1 vs d2. This is used to search a list for a
* given value.
void *ChkTwoNumbers(TwoNumbers *d1, TwoNumbers *d2)
if (d1->first == d2->first) return &d1->second;
return NULL;
* MakeTwo()
* This creates a new record for addition to a list.
TwoNumbers *MakeTwo(int First, long Second)
TwoNumbers *tmp;
tmp = (TwoNumbers *) GetDynamic(sizeof *tmp);
tmp->first = First;
tmp->second = Second;
return tmp;
* CmpTwoLong()
* This functoin compares TwoNumbers in their long parts and returns a
* value suitable for use in sorting.
int CmpTwoLong(TwoNumbers *d1, TwoNumbers *d2)
return (d1->second < d2->second) ? -1 : 1;
* ChED()
* This function is used to search for autodoors. If the autodoor is found
* then the address to it is returned, otherwise NULL.
void *ChED(EvDoorRec *d1, EvDoorRec *d2)
if (strCmpU(d1->Evt->vars.EvUserName, d2->Evt->vars.EvUserName) == SAMESTRING)
return d1->Evt;
return NULL;
* ChRed()
* This function is used to search to see if a given file is on the 'redirect'
* list. Notice we check against both name and system origin.
void *ChRed(EvDoorRec *d1, EvDoorRec *d2)
if (strCmpU(d1->Evt->vars.Redirect.EvFilename,
d2->Evt->vars.Redirect.EvFilename) == SAMESTRING &&
d2->Evt->vars.Redirect.EvSystem) == SAMESTRING)
return d1->Evt;
return NULL;
* EatTwoNumbers()
* This function will eat a line of text from disk and make it into a record
* for placement on a disk. It's simply a space separated string.
void *EatTwoNumbers(char *line)
TwoNumbers *temp;
char *space;
if ((space = strchr(line, ' ')) == NULL)
return NULL;
temp = GetDynamic(sizeof *temp);
temp->first = atoi(line);
temp->second = atol(space + 1);
return temp;
* WrtTwoNumbers()
* This function is used to write the contents of a TwoNumbers structure to
* disk. This is used for saving information concerning a list while Citadel
* is temporarily down.
void WrtTwoNumbers(TwoNumbers *d)
extern FILE *upfd;
fprintf(upfd, "%d %d\n", d->first, d->second);
* CmpED()
* This function is used to sort a list of autodoors based on when they finish.
int CmpED(EvDoorRec *d1, EvDoorRec *d2)
return (d1->finish < d2->finish) ? -1 : 1;
* RedirectFile()
* This function is used to discover if the given file should be redirected from
* the normal file reception area to somewhere else.
* If it should be then a pointer is returned to a string representing the new
* location; otherwise, NULL is returned.
char *RedirectFile(char *filename, char *systemname)
EvDoorRec rec;
rec.Evt = GetDynamic(sizeof (EVENT)); /* get around possible bug */
/* prepare for search */
strCpy(rec.Evt->vars.Redirect.EvFilename, filename);
strCpy(rec.Evt->vars.Redirect.EvSystem, systemname);
Cur = SearchList(&Redirected, &rec);
return(char *)( (Cur != NULL) ? cfg.codeBuf + Cur->vars.Redirect.EvHomeDir : NULL);
void EventShow()
int i;
mPrintf("\nCurAbs=%ld\n ", CurAbsolute());
mPrintf("ANYTIME NET is %d\n ", ClassActive[CL_ANYTIME_NET]);
mPrintf("non-preempt nextabs is %ld, %ld seconds away\n ",
Types[2].NextAbs, Types[2].NextAbs - CurAbsolute());
mPrintf("Preemptive list (%ld):\n ", Types[0].NextAbs);
RunList(&Types[0].List, ExamineEvent);
mPrintf("Non-Preemptive list (%ld):\n ", Types[1].NextAbs);
RunList(&Types[1].List, ExamineEvent);
mPrintf("Quiet list (%ld):\n ", Types[2].NextAbs);
RunList(&Types[2].List, ExamineEvent);
mPrintf("Event ending list:\n ");
RunList(&EventEnds, ShowTW);
mPrintf("Anytime net is %s\n ", (ClassActive[CL_ANYTIME_NET]) ? "On" : "Off");
if (ClassActive[CL_ANYTIME_NET])
msgBuf.mbtext[0] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if ((1l << i) & AnyTimeNets)
sprintf(lbyte(msgBuf.mbtext), "%d, ", i + 1);
if (strlen(msgBuf.mbtext))
msgBuf.mbtext[strLen(msgBuf.mbtext) - 2] = 0;
mPrintf("Anytime nets: %s\n ", msgBuf.mbtext);
void ShowTW(tw)
TwoNumbers *tw;
mPrintf("Class %s active, shuts down @%ld\n ", cl[tw->first],
void ExamineEvent(ev)
EVENT *ev;
int temp;
mPrintf("%s %s ", cl[ev->EvClass], ty[ev->EvType]);
mPrintf("%s ", dy[ev->EvMinutes / 1440]);
temp = ev->EvMinutes % 1440;
mPrintf("%d:%02d %d %lx\n ", temp/60, temp%60, ev->EvDur,